How to Make a Spiral Lanyard with 3 Strings

Making a spiral lanyard with 3 strings will make you achieve some of the most beautiful lanyards you’ve seen. Spiral lanyards are made by weaving or knotting strings of craft laces together.

Manufactured from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), these strings or laces come in different colors and are usually flat and flexible. This is what gives the lanyard its characteristic elasticity and beauty.

Not many people pay adequate attention to the kind of lanyard they use. And since they’re hungover our neck where everyone can see them, that’s more reason to use a nice one.

But most lanyards these days are pretty bland. So how do you get a beautiful one?

Simply make a spiral lanyard with 3 strings. Although quite simple, not everyone is skilled in the art, and that is what this article aims to make right.

Lanyards are cords or rope-like structures that are worn over the neck. They serve several interesting functions, like helping us hold our ID card, flash drive, whistle, etc., in place.

There’s no limit to the kind of objects they can hold, saving you from having to look around for them. A decorative lanyard can make you stand out, and the opposite can do the exact opposite to your outfit.

Below, we would be laying bare all the three-string spiral lanyard instructions and items you’ll ever need.

Steps to Make a Spiral Lanyard with 3 Strings

Items Required

If you’ve searched for how to start a three-string spiral lanyard the perfect way, look no further.

That is because the steps are outlined below. First, let’s mention the items you need to get done.

  • Craft lace/lanyard strings
  • Scissors
  • Key hook (optional)

It is advisable to get craft laces of three different colors. This makes it easy to follow and opens you up to nice options. You can make a spiral lanyard with 3 strings using a method known as the triangle stitch.

Step 1: Prepare Three Strings

Select three strings that measure double the length of the lanyard you intend to make. For instance, get three strings of 60cm each for a 30cm lanyard.

Make a loop at the center and pull the strings through the loop. Pull each string to tighten the knot slightly.

Step 2: Label the Strings and Start the First Set of Loops

Rank the three strings as 1, 2, and 3. Spread all three strings facing the same direction. Create a loop by folding string 1 over string 2. Wrap string 2 over the loop created with string 1 and over string 3, which is currently hanging.

That should create a second loop. Then, fold string 3 over the second loop and back below the first loop.

At this point, you should notice the triangular shape forming. Simply pull each string to tighten the lanyard.

Step 3: Make the Second Set of Weaving

Pass string 1 over string 3 this time to make a loop. Pull string 3 over the first loop and onto string 2. Take string 2 around the back over string 3 and below the first loop. Pull the strings to tighten.

Step 4: Repeat the Steps above Until the Desired Length

Repeat the above steps continuously by alternating between taking string 1 over string 2 and string 3.

Continue until you achieve the length you want. You can end by knotting each string.

Step 5: The Last Untightened Stitch

When you’re ready to end the weaving, do one last round. The difference is this round of weaving should not be as tight as you’ve made others.

It needs to be loose so that you can pass the strings underneath.

How to End A 3 String Lanyard

Now that we’ve discussed how to make the twisty 3 string lanyard, things do not end there. The beauty of the lanyard also relies on how well you’re able to end it.

Else, your lanyard would end up looking horrible without reflecting how much work you’ve put into it.

We do not want that to happen. Hence, the steps for ending a three-string lanyard are as follows:

Step 1: Wrap the Strands Over the Closest Ones

In this step, simply pick each strand and wrap them around another strand that is the closest.

The wrapping around the strands should also be kept loose so you can control them easily.

It is a good idea to perform the wrapping in the same direction you’ve woven the strands.

For instance, in the clockwise or anti-clockwise direction, depending on what works most for you. In case you need specific advice, we’d suggest the clockwise direction.

The benefits of this include keeping your lanyard neat and keeping track of which strand you’ve done.

Step 2: Pass the Strands through the Center

At this stage, you should have an opening in the middle of the weaving. Take each strand and pass it through the space created at the center by the last knot.

Pull each strand up until it’s almost tight, but do not tighten it.

Step 3: Pull until Tight and Trim

Now, pull all the strands together until they are tight. You may also do so individually.

The key is to make sure you pull equally and tighten completely. However, not to the extent that it shrinks the lanyard.

The entire process may leave unused excess strings. Trim these off using scissors to the length of your choice but make sure the trimming is tidy.

Step 4: Burn the End of the Strings

To further keep the strings of the lanyard in place, you need to burn the tips slightly. It is advisable to use a very small source of flame, preferably a lighter.

Place the lanyard away from your hands and apply flame directly on the edges of the strands. Do this for about two seconds when it starts melting the tips.

This melting should bring all the edges together so that they do not go separate ways. It will, in turn, prevent them from getting undone before or during use.

However, you should be careful at this point so as not to burn the lanyard itself. If that happens, douse it with water and use a marker of the same color around the damaged part.

Step 5: Let it Cool

Leave the lanyard in natural air until it cools completely for around 60 seconds. After that, it should be safe for handling and you can start using it for any purpose.

How to Make a Double Spiral Lanyard

Step 1: Select Craft Laces and Arrange

Pick three different colors (white, green, orange) and fold them in half. Place the white string at the bottom and the remaining strings on top. Make double loops with the bottom string.

Step 2: Continue with the Other Strings

Pick green 1 and make it go around the white and below the second loop. Take green 2 and repeat the process as green 1. That is, going over the white and below the next string.

Step 3: Do the same to the other Color

Pick orange 1 on the left and go around the white and below the second loop. Do the same with orange 2. Pull the strings to tighten the lanyard and you should notice the rectangular shape.

Step 4: Build on the First Steps

Continue building by taking one end of the white to the other side. Don’t go straight; instead, move diagonally. Do the same thing to the other white end.

Step 5: Repeat the Processes

Repeat the processes in steps 2 and 3 above. Pass the first green string around over, then under. Do the same to the other green string. Then, repeat for both orange strings. Pull all the strings to tighten.

Step 6: Go as far as you Want and End It

Continue the process until it is as long as you desire. Then, end the lanyard.

Also, read:


Now you know how to start a lanyard with 3 strings, build it up nicely, and end it strongly. Lanyards are getting even more popular than ever, with a nice moderate industry for the makers.

They make a lot of nice designs you can get at an affordable price. However, buying one would not present as much fun as you would get from making it.

If you enjoy arts and crafts, it might be a good idea to try your hands on one. The lanyard-making process may seem challenging, but it is far from difficult even if it’s your first time.

You only have to master the techniques and you should be on your way in no time.

Above, we’ve highlighted the items and steps you need. Next time you want to make a spiral lanyard with 3 strings, use these steps above to pull it off.

Not only would you make something beautiful, but you will also have so much fun doing it.